Sunday, February 27, 2011

Facing a delimma

Everyday of our lives we are faced with the task of deciding. Whether we made the right decision or not would depend on how we weigh the outcomes. But would you believe that there are situations when even people know that the best outcome would result from a certain decision, yet they don't choose it?

Yes, it is absolutely true, and one of it is neglecting Jesus' call. Following Jesus would give us the best results, if not in this life in the next. Nevertheless many still take this for granted and opt to go otherwise. A lot of reasons are cited and more often they are "options from this world."

The Bible says "only one thing is necessary and it is the best portion, and it shall not be taken away”(Luke 10:42)and it is believing and following Jesus. And I can attest you that among the many decisions I made in life, the best I did was accepting Jesus into my life.

Of course many of you will shrug a cold shoulder about this statement and won't dare to ask why. But only a wise man can say I like it until he tries it. So why not make it a try and experience it for yourself.

Photo above: Kids from ages 8 and below joined a fellowship with other kids in the community who exposes them in a relationship with Jesus. At this very early age they were taught Christian values that they may nurture for the rest of our lives. Later on these children would be witnesses of the works of Christ and would join in the vineyards and work-fields of God.
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Mushrooms and humans

The mushroom is another wondrous creation of God. Besides being one of the largest member of a wide family of small organisms comprising the yeast and molds family, commonly called as Fungi, there are some characteristic in this fungus that strongly resembles some human idiosyncrasies.

One weekend morning while cleaning some loose twigs in the backyard I noticed this shiny white thing with some shades of brown over the crown (see photo). They weren't there yesterday From experience, i quickly recognized it as one of the edible wild mushrooms, whether it belongs to the pleurotus species or not I'm not quiet sure. But I was definitely sure it was edible so I picked it up. There were a few more around I had collected. When I checked it turned out some had been spoiled with the presence of worms.

I was amazed of how quick these fungi grows and how quickly they spoil. Just like mushrooms some people sometimes quickly shine to the apex of their religious faith and vanish as quickly as they surge. It is a natural thing, I feel, and just like mushrooms, if we do not "harvest" them while they are on their finest stage, put some spices, and cook them, then we could not eat them.

If you are a church leader, are you aware that there are mushrooms around your community? Then if you are, harvest them just before they fade and lose the value.
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Life is a contant change

Its been said that the only constant in life is change. This is the reason why a straight path may not be the best way to achieve glory even in ordinary life situations.

In carrying out projects and activities the rationalist always develops plan. But along the way, seldom it is carried out 100% according to what was laid out. Engineers always have "as planned" and "as built" drawings of their projects to highlight changes made along the way. What we think is good today may become bad the next time around and vice-versa. Everything changes and no identical activity even those accurately programmed in computers to occur 100% the same. The element of difference is of course - time. To give a concrete illustration, a New Year always comes at 12:01 of January 1, and the only change is the last digit of the year.

Since everything changes, our ways always change daily and what we achieve in life is a result of many left and right turns. The message is simple. Do not be afraid to change if that change is for the better.

In my life I had so many bad turns, but one good right turn I could remember was turning to Jesus. There are many trials ahead, yet I am confident I made a good change. If you are having trouble right now or feeling some emptiness, try calling on Jesus Christ, He will change you for the better.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Be watchful

Many believers have stories to share about becoming lukewarm in their Christian service. Worst, some share having doubts and become weak in faith and gave way to the ways of evil. Much more also, though having faith, are complacent in their practice as followers of Christ. But what if during this time of negligence Jesus would come? What's gonna happen to us? Matthew 25:13 says, "you must be vigilant, because you do not know the day or the hour."

As I arrived home from office one day, I found the main door widely opened. I was bit worried as I knew my wife and the kids are still out. Who could have opened the door? I rushed to check if some things are missing. Gladly I found nothing was lost or stolen. I checked the bedrooms and found our Master's Bedroom locked. I always leave without locking that room, my wife don't lock the room either. I sensed some danger. If some burglar was still inside he might assault me. After careful inspection I realized no one was inside.

That incident made me decide to put some extra effort to cover some unfinished walls of the kitchen. At least this would prevent those with bad intentions to be tempted to sneak in. But I also felt and whispered to God. "If bad elements would really want to do bad, I know Lord this walls are not enough to protect my house. So I still trust You will protect us Lord."

The experience made me understand that becoming watchful is not only being prepared all the time but also to correct every errors and sins we have and cover our sinfulness with the cloak of righteousness so that we maybe worthy to meet Him when He comes.

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